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First Step Action is simply the initial step taken to be the bridge to Second Step help while showing Jesus-like compassion to those that you come across in life. A great example of 1st step action is the Good Samaritan in the parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Bible (Luke 10:30-37). We believe being nice and doing Acts of Kindness is always a good thing.

Here are some short-term commitment ideas that just may “make” someone’s day and restore hope.

Acts of Kindness Ideas:

Smile and compliment someone
Say “Hello”
Hold a door open
Give a meal to those that are hungry
Visit someone that is in the hospital
Bring Christmas to kids less fortunate
Offer help to those needing help


Bridge Action Ideas:

Drive a drug addict to rehab
Take a homeless person to a shelter
Take a hungry person to a food center
Take a couple to a marriage counselor
Take an abused survivor to the police
Take someone to the hospital

Relationship info you need:

Are any of your friends losing hope?

Other info you need:

When are visiting hours at the hospital?
Where is a drug rehab center near you?
Where is a shelter and food center near you?
Is a Dream Center type church near you?

For your safety:

Who will know that you are helping others?
How will you contact the police if needed?

Be the Bridge from Hopeless to Hopeful