We tried to steal a nap this afternoon. The little guy was in high form squawking and giggling and just plain making disrupting noise. My wife decided to put the little comedian into the jumper seat to tire him out.
Minutes later… as my wife seemed to be relaxed in a state of blissful rest, I heard my wife yell, “Oh NO!” (there were no tears to the crescendo coming from her mouth so I did not panic and waited for a follow up comment) … HE Pooped.
My mind raced to try and understand why this was such a problem… until she added, “it’s on his foot.”
I jumped up and ran over to the jumper to see the little guy smiling… with poop all over his foot. But it did not stop there. It was on the carpet below forming a muddy pool that seemed to have been stomped on for a short time. As I picked him up I noticed through his onesy dark spots covering his back AND an incorrectly put on diaper that had the back waist line folded in, much more revealing than the local plumber.
By the time we got him undressed and in the tub he was lightly covered in the stuff and was looking at us in wonder as if trying to identify what the problem was. As I heard my wife gagging (hilarious to me) I waited for the bath to end and took poopfoot to be dried and freshly dressed. Carpet cleaner and a quick washing of the jumper and then the bathtub left no remains of what ruined nap time.
I now wonder if Poopfoot will ever return?