You know it is in the Bible somewhere! (or is it?) You try to do what is right over what is wrong… but come up short. Why are some religions cutting off people’s heads!!!! What is the difference between the Bible and other HOLY Books? Why is there so much evil if God is so powerful and loving? That spiritual leader said there are no absolute truths … but that is an absolute truth statement???
Let us help YOU understand WHY and WHAT you actually believe:Worldview Development Classes
Beliefs I: Who is God?Ever wonder who God is and how else God communicates with us beside the Bible? Who is Jesus and what is this Holy Spirit people talk about? Learn these answers along with a clear understanding of what God has done. |
Beliefs II: Sin, Eternity and the ChurchEver wonder how that apple caused so much drama? If the world is going to be ending one day, how is it going down? Learn who is doing what in the battle for your soul and be a part of the winning team that is led by the true savior. |
Beliefs III: WorldviewsEver wonder who Satan is, or demons & angels? Why are there so many different religions? How are we different from the Mormons, Muslims, and the rest? Exploring three main ways to view the world and the four questions (Origin, Purpose, Morality, Destiny) people long to be answered will show you why the world needs one king. |
Beliefs IV: Authority EncounterEver wonder why some people see miracles while others doubt God is even paying attention? What difference does it make when so many people are being killed by incurable diseases and sickness? Why does Paul talk about weapons used against things we cannot see or touch? Learn what Jesus meant when he said “unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom” and why the world needs a sanctifier & healer. |